Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Restaurant city level hack.

What u need :

Cheat Engine 5.5
Flash Player(9 or 10)
Restaurant City on Mozilla Firefox


1) Open CE 5.5
2) Check Hex, Scan only read value and change value type to 8 bytes
3) Type FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2 to CE on Value
4) After scanning, u would have only 1 address. Right click it and click on Disassemble this memory region.
5) Click on the 2nd address which shows 'mov eax,ffffffff' change it to 'mov eax,C3500'
6) You will gain more xp.
P.S DON'T Let the xp go over 50000000 or it will go to the negative area and u will be the last of everyone in the street. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN!!!

1 comment:

  1. quite good for first time buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
